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Locale can be manually set from dropdown box. Usable and default locales are populated from you enviroment settings.
Easy and fast search keyword typing:
Type regardless of where mouse cursor or keyboard focus is.
Filter by keyword:
While typing, the list of available sites will filter.
Search site:
Type or click site keyword to be able to search that website. Search format with site keyword is "[SITE_KEY] [KEYWORDS]"


Generated help
Generated help is provided to help with finding information on websites, searching, schema, and more.

Generated Help

Localization & Filtering

The current language can be changed. It is usually detected from your browser's settings. Changing the language allows to display different application text, translated search targets, localized websites, and more.
The current region can be changed. The following regions are supported: 2 character country codes (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2#Officially_assigned_code_elements), Japanese Regions(Japanese strings of: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_regions_of_Japan#Table).
The keywords to search from. Search targets may have multiple keywords.

File Input

Files can be imported by the file input element or by drag and dropping. The following formats are supported:

Chrome Search Engine Config:
Export Chrome Search Engine Config
Firefox bookmarks with search parameters:
Use Keywords to search faster in Firefox
Any image can be used as a background image.
Open Search:
See exported data.
{ "name": "", "style": { "backgroundImage": "...", "backgroundColor": "yellow", "color": "green" } }


Storable data. Exports use the StorableData JSON format.
Resets internal and stored state to default state.
Save to local storage.
Load from the currently saved state.

UI data updating

Add icon:
Search targets can be manually added.

Search Targets

Search target icons are provided for easy browsing and selection of search targets.

Interaction & Environment

Keyboard controls & shortcuts:
Typing automatically sets focus to the input search box.
Opens search using best candidate from query.
Opens the homepage of the current target.
SHIFT + CTRL + Backspace:
Clear input
Environment specific:
Mobile(On smaller devices, an overlay at the bottom-left of the screen is displayed. This overlay opens the keyboard. This makes it very ergonomic because of the proximity of the resting place of the right-thumb to the button.)


This service is meant as a start page for browsers.
Start pages can generally be set in the settings of browsers to open automatically in new windows and tabs, though how it is done differs by browser.
Opening start pages can also usually be done by clicking the "home" icon next to the address bar or by pressing the "HOME"(Often ALT + Home) key.
However, this differs by browser/OS.

As the homepage is the entry-point for all web browser activity, it is very important that it loads very quickly.
Also, because this is such a common task, any reduction in download size is very effective for metered/limited network connections.
In order to reduce load, this service aims to as minimalistic as possible by default.
This includes styles due to the effects on rendering load and distraction.

However, because this service would generally be used repeatedly by the general user, it is also expected that some people may want to change the style to be more natural to them.
For users who want to change the style, preset themes and custom theme functionality are provided.
Themes can be loaded via "File Input".

Submissions, feedback, and requests

Search target submissions are welcome. Please submit and submissions, feedback, or requests to: Contact page.

External service help

Export Chrome Search Engine Config

  1. Go to [Takeout](https://takeout.google.com).
  2. Deselect all.
  3. Search for, and select "Chrome".
  4. Click on "All Chrome data included".
  5. Click "Deselect all".
  6. Select "SearchEngines" and click "OK".
  7. Click "Next step".
  8. Click "Create export".
  9. Wait for navigation, and then click "Download".
  10. From downloaded zip, extract and use: "takeout-YYYYMMDDThhmmssZ-INC/Takeout/Chrome/SearchEngines.json".