How to parse the datetime format used on lines in phperror.log?

The following was returned using Bard AI. It provided a good response, so I am sharing below:

Prompt used: “For the $format argument used in DateTime::createFromFormat of PHP, what format should I use to parse “10-Sep-2023 00:13:12 UTC”?”.

The following format can be used to parse the string 10-Sep-2023 00:13:12 UTC using the DateTime::createFromFormat function in PHP:

$format = 'd-M-Y H:i:s T';

This format specifies the following:

  • d: The day of the month, as a two-digit number.
  • M: The month, as a three-letter abbreviation.
  • Y: The year, as a four-digit number.
  • H: The hour, as a two-digit number in 24-hour format.
  • i: The minute, as a two-digit number.
  • s: The second, as a two-digit number.
  • T: The time zone, as a single-letter abbreviation.

In this case, the time zone is UTC, which is the Coordinated Universal Time.

To parse the string 10-Sep-2023 00:13:12 UTC, we can use the following code:

$dateTime = DateTime::createFromFormat($format, '10-Sep-2023 00:13:12 UTC');
Use code with caution. Learn more


This will create a DateTime object representing the specified date and time in UTC.

We can then use the DateTime object to get the individual components of the date and time, or to perform other operations, such as formatting the date and time in a different format.

IFrame src is not updating when frame URL changes. Why does this happen?

Recently, I have been using Bard quite a lot because it has proven to be quite helpful. This time it was so much better than searching Google and DuckDuckGo that I decided to share it in a post for everybody’s reference.

When the URL of an iframe is changed within the iframe, the iframe element’s “src” attribute does not change. What is the reasoning for this?

There are a few reasons why the iframe element’s src attribute does not change when the URL of an iframe is changed within the iframe.

First, it is important to remember that an iframe is a separate document from the parent document. When you change the URL of an iframe within the iframe, you are actually changing the URL of the embedded document, not the iframe element itself.

Second, the src attribute of an iframe element is read-only. This means that once the src attribute is set, it cannot be changed.

Finally, there is a security risk associated with allowing iframes to change their own src attribute. If an iframe were able to change its own src attribute, it could potentially load malicious content from a different domain.

To avoid these problems, if you need to change the URL of an iframe, you must do so from the parent document. You can do this using JavaScript to set the src attribute of the iframe element.

Here is an example of how to change the URL of an iframe using JavaScript:

// Get the iframe element
var iframe = document.getElementById('myIframe');

// Set the src attribute of the iframe element
iframe.src = '';

When you set the src attribute of an iframe element using JavaScript, the iframe will be reloaded with the new URL.

It is important to note that you can only change the URL of an iframe if the iframe is from the same domain as the parent document. If the iframe is from a different domain, you will need to use a cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) request to change the URL of the iframe.

Home Page v1.1.0 – Start page web application released! PWA, search filtering, state, and more!

Version 1.1.0 of the start page web application “Home Page” has been released.

This release adds some new features, and many improvements.
Please check it out at the following link:


Localized documentation has been added to the web app to provide information on all the new and existing features. Check out the documentation here:

Localization & Filtering

Localization of websites and UI has been added.
※ Some areas are still lacking translations. They will be translated over time.

Filtering websites by locale, region, and keyword is now supported.


Saving, loading, exporting are supported now, with many file formats being supported.
※ If there is a file format you think should be supported, please send a message.


Themes for styling the UI is now supported.
Themes can be added by file input.


## [1.1.0] – 2022-06-06

### Added

  • Filter by locale of website.
  • Filter by region.
  • Filter by keyword.
  • !bang aliases for searching.
  • File loading by file input or drag and drop: Chrome Search Engine Config, Firefox bookmarks with search parameters, Images, Open Search, Storable State, themes.
  • Change theme.
  • State handling: Export, reset, save, load.
  • Add search target from UI.
  • Many new websites.

### Changed

  • Improved UI.
  • Improved documentation.
  • Improved website logic.

## [1.1.1] – 2022-06-06

### Changed

  • Bug fixes

Further Information

Please provide any feedback or suggestions, and if you know of a website that should be added, please consider sharing it with us:

How to add search engines to your browser

Adding search engines to your browser

Search engines can generally be added to browsers in similar ways through their settings page.
Programmatic availability generally does not exist. If it does, and it is not shown below, please share the information with us.
For per browser differences, see below.

Home-page is used on this page as an example URL for searching. If you wish to try out the Home Page search query path, please copy the following:
This search opens up in the Home Page Web App, allowing the ability to search from many different search engines:


Chrome doesn’t seem to offer a way to “add” a default search engine. It only offers a choice of a few presets and a way to search using keywords shown below:

1. Go to search engine settings: Chrome “Search Engines” Settings (Context Menu ⇒ “Settings” ⇒ “Search engine” ⇒ “Manage search engines and site search”).
2. Click “Add” under “Site search”.
3. “Add search engine”:

Search engine: The name of the search engine.
Keyword: Keyword to initiate search against this search engine.
URL with %s in place of query: For example: ""

Click “Add”.

Chrome also includes “Inactive shortcuts” which are automatically added when browsing websites.
See “Auto Detection” for further information.


1. Open the following link to enter the search settings page: Search.
2. You will be taken to the Firefox Browser ADD-ONS page.
3. Install the recommended(※ Recommended at time of writing. Please make sure it is still appropriate before installing and using.) custom search plugin: Add custom search engine.
4. Go to Add-ons and select options of the added extension.
5. Fill in the fields to add your custom search engine. Even any similar extensions should have common fields similar to OpenSearch.
6. In address bar, click … and “Add Search Engine”.
7. Go to about:preferences#search, select the added search engine, and add a keyword(Usually prefixed with “@”).

Alternatively, bookmark , set a keyword to search, and then search via “[keyword] search terms …”.


※ The below does not apply to old versions of Edge before implementing Chromium.

  1. Go to “Settings” in context menu or “edge://settings“.
  2. Go to “Privacy, search, and services” in the left sidebar or “edge://settings/privacy“.
  3. Go to the bottom of the page and click “Address bar and search” under “Services” or go to “edge://settings/search“.
  4. Go to “Manage search engines”.
  5. Click “Add” and fill in the information. The fields are similar to those in Chrome and many other browsers.
  6. The newly added search engine should be shown in the list. If it is not shown, it may be necessary to restart the browser. Click the “…” and select “Make default”.
  7. It is also possible to select the search engine from the previous page (edge://settings/search) under “Search engine used in the address bar”.


Use the following: IE Search Provider Builder Tool.

Chrome Android:

  1. Go to “Settings” from chrome://settings OR in the hamburger menu.
  2. Go to “Search engine”.
  3. Select your desired search engine.

At least in the environment I tested, it seems that only a few search engines are available, and that there are no ways to add any more.

If there is a way to add a custom search engine OR this changes in the future, please let us know.

Firefox Android:

  1. Go to “Settings” from the hamburger menu.
  2. Go to “Search”.
  3. Go to “Add search engine”.
  4. Select one of the preset search engines, OR add a custom search engine using the format displayed on the page.

Brave Android:

  1. Go to “Settings”.
  2. Go to “Search engines” under “General”.
  3. Go to “Standard tab” (OR Private Tab if you wish to customize the private tab).
  4. Select one of the preset search engines.

At least in the environment I tested, it seems that only a few search engines are available, and that there are no ways to add any more.

If there is a way to add a custom search engine OR this changes in the future, please let us know.

Kiwi android:

  1. Go to “Settings”.
  2. Go to “Search engine” under “Basics”.
  3. Select one of the preset search engines.

At least in the environment I tested, it seems that only a few search engines are available, and that there are no ways to add any more.

However, there does seem to be a lot more than other search engine limited browsers.

If there is a way to add a custom search engine OR this changes in the future, please let us know.


Mac, iOS, and other Apple related services are generally not supported by . If you know of any links that would help for this article, please continue sharing with us, and we will consider adding them.

Auto Detection:

Auto-detection of search engines can be done using the following ways:
Using an input of type “search”. For example: <input type="search" name="q">. Just in case, make sure to wrap in a valid form tag.
Using Open Search. This can by first creating a valid opensearch.xml file and then linking to it within the loaded HTML file.


  • Many browsers are limited in what search engines can be selected.
  • Firefox seems to be very good. It offers customization on both desktop and mobile (Android) browsers.
  • Chrome disappointingly offers very little customizability for a major browser.
  • Edge seems to be very good on PC. I had problems loading the Android version of Edge after installing it, and it seems this a common problem, so I have not included information here.
  • Brave has good customizability in the desktop version, but seems to be lacking in the Android version.

Please consider trying out the Home Page start page web service by adding it as a search engine in one of the methods described in this article.

Websites and services to submit website, webpages, articles, and more.

Article scope and information

This article serves as a quick lookup reference for submitting content online.
I will try to be as extensive as possible, but low-quality services will probably be omitted, as I also would like to reference this page.
Please feel free to submit recommendations.
Links to useful articles are prioritized over rewriting new content.


How to Submit Your Website to Search Engines:

How to submit sitemap to Baidu?:

Yandex Webmaster:

NAVER Search Advisor:

Submit website to Qwant News:

How to Add Your Website to Seznam:



50+ Social Sharing & Link Posting Sites for Content Promotion:

The 10 hottest tech blog sites that accept guest posts (Includes submission links):


Android App Stores (APK submission)

App Directory (Information submission)

PWA Stores

App / PWA:

Google Play: (Registration fee Service fees)

PWA Only:


Windows Store:

I built a Progressive Web App and published it in 3 app stores. Here’s what I learned:

The Open Web

Apps can be submitted via contact form request:

How to customize the new tab page in Chrome

How to customize the new tab page

During attempts to find ways to best utilize the Home Page start page web application, I found it more difficult than expected to add a website to the new tab page.

This article is for aggregating and detailing ways to and issues with customizing the new tab page in Chrome. Some of these methods will also work in other Chromium browsers that support Chrome extensions. If you would like to see something added, please feel free to get “contact” us with any feedback / requests.

Customized URL in new tab

New Tab Redirect Chrome Extension offers a “Redirect URL” setting.
It is easily set up by entering the URL and clicking save.
There is an issue with the cursor focusing on the address bar and then the cursor focusing on the document once the page starts loading.
This is very inconvenient for fast use of the omnibox or on-page input/search box.
If using the address bar / omnibox is desired, this can be easily fixed by enabling the setting below on the “New Tab Redirect Options” page.
“Always update tab, not redirect. (Enable for the cursor in the address bar)”
It is still possible to TAB out of the address bar into the document for quick in-page typing.
In Chrome at the time of writing, one TAB is enough to go to the document, so is still sufficiently fast for power users.
The benefit of this setup is that a URL can be set up as the new tab page, and regardless of how fast it loads, typing in the address bar can be done immediately.
This means that all the benefits of a default setup using the address bar can be kept while adding the functionality of the page to be loaded.

New Tab Redirect
New Tab Redirect

New Tab Redirect
New Tab Redirect

Change New Tab Chrome Extension
Custom New Tab URL Chrome Extension

Blank tab

Some browsers offer a blank tab, such as about:blank.
The major benefit of such a page is that it loads nothing, so reduces both network and computer load.
This feature seems to be less common now that network speeds and computer performance are much higher.
Because searching and referencing URLs is such a common action, any loss in execution speed can accumulate.
If this accumulated loss of execution speed is a concern, or if your device/network is not high-performing, setting up a blank tab as the new tab page could be appropriate.
Either set the new tab page in your browser in the settings or new tab page extension settings, OR use an extension that provides blank page functionality:
Blank New Tab Page Chrome Extension

Start page

Start pages are pages that offer a gateway to easily accessing websites, especially any specific to you.
Common functionality includes having popular defaults and the ability to set custom URLs.
Browsers typically add their own start pages by default.
These default start pages usually offer adequate functionality.
However, they can have the following disadvantages:

  • Limited customizability
  • Search restricted to approved website(s) – This is common due to companies making affiliate revenue.
  • Tracking

Alternative start pages can be used by adding the URL as the new tab page URL.

Home Page Web App
Home Page Web App

Or, by downloading an extension:

Humble New Tab Page Chrome Extension

Humble New Tab Chrome Extension
Humble New Tab Chrome Extension

The current state of Internet Explorer 2022

The current state of Internet Explorer

From time to time, another big service drops support for IE. However, due to this becoming more and more common, these stories do not stand out much, and the current state of IE, including usage statistics, and the issues with it, get forgotten in time.
This article looks to provide important information on the current state of IE for users, managers, and developers.

The decline

Internet Explorer has been on the decline for many years now, starting with better alternatives such as Firefox and then Google Chrome, and more later due to being phased out in favour of the newer Microsoft Edge browser.
It had been unclear, for a long time, whether developers should support even the latest version of IE, IE 11.
However, that seemed to change when Microsoft announced that they will no longer develop for IE after 2015, and then big players in the online world started publicly stating that they would no longer support IE 11.
Even though many services did continue to support IE in some way, libraries, frameworks, and services using more dynamic features from JavaScript were keen to drop IE quickly.
This explains the general current state of IE (at least for IE11) as generally supported by larger services for static content, while more dynamic content using newer features of browsers generally losing some features or being completely unusable.
With the growing lack of support for IE, the decline of IE was steady, but IE never completely went away.

Why did users continue to use IE for so long?

Development ceased for IE, support ended for many popular services, important new features for browsers were not implemented, and development for IE while making modern websites became more and more difficult. So why does it, even now (2022), still have a small but significant percentage of users?

IE is no longer the default web browser in modern versions of Windows. However, it was the default web browser until Windows 8.1.
Windows 8.1 included mainstream support until January 2018 and has extended support until January 10, 2023:
This means support is still available for a Windows operating system using IE as a default browser.
This is enough to provide a significant percentage of IE users, as long as a high percentage do not change their default browser.
The corporate world has been using IE for a long time, even when outdated.
The reason this is not such a big deal is that the systems made for corporate systems often relied heavily on proprietary VB (Visual Basic) code.
Because these systems were often made many years ago, the latest JavaScript features have not been a big advantage.
The cost of moving away from IE is a lot more, though. These old systems are strictly dependent on VB language, old Microsoft APIs, IE-specific JavaScript features and plugins such as ActiveObject, and IE quirks such as CSS layouts.
With few benefits and many costs, many large corporations have put off moving away from IE, and the number of employees using these systems can be thousands per company due to having often been implemented in very large corporations.
Edge has support for an IE mode. However, not only does this not have many differences from using IE instead, even if it is used, it is unclear how different statistics distinguish between Edge in IE mode, and IE, if at all.

Current and historical usage statistics

The current stats of IE are so low that they are often not included or bundled with Edge.

For example, in the “Web Browser Market Share” includes Internet Explorer with Edge, but in the “Top 10 Web Browsers” only Edge seems to be shown for Microsoft browsers. The others are generally Chrome and Safari.

Looking at the longest and latest and earliest ranges for NET MARKETSHARE:
4.08% for 2020-03 – 2022-02:
13.41% for 2016-05 – 2018-04:
In between those dates, show a steady decline.

Can I Use shows approximately a 0.7% usage rate for all IE versions combined:

stat counter shows a decline to 0.47% in February 2022.

As can be seen above, the recorded stats range widely, but they all show a steady decline.
It is likely that higher stats come from inaccuracies, desktop-focused datasets, countries using older technology, etc.

Support by Windows and important services

If you are interested in the current support status for Windows and important services such as Google, Twitter, YouTube, etc., then please check the following article:

IE support by Windows and important services

Why users should not expect support for IE

If you have read the sections above, you will have already seen just how little support IE has at this point.
However, from a manager’s perspective, a 1% increase in users may actually seem like a good opportunity to increase revenue by around 1%.
The problem with this logic is that the cost of maintaining support for IE is so high, and the returns will only decrease over time.
Even if you already support IE, this maintenance cost is still often too high to justify the additional revenue.
From the perspective of developers, having to maintain knowledge and code so different to what is currently used can be very time-consuming and so undesirable that it could risk developers choosing to leave instead,
and rightly so because if a developer is tasked with the coding on a dying language, they will be unprepared for future tasks and jobs using newer technology, resulting in a likely lower income.
There are some easy (if the code and build process is well maintained) actions developers can take, such as adding polyfills which may fix some issues, but full support for a dying browser is almost always not recommended.

How should developers handle IE?

Spending too much time and effort on IE support is often not worth the effort, but reporting why something is not working, and where to go, can be an effective way of handling unsupported environments.
1. As a last point of defence, adding sufficient information and non-breaking styles in non-JavaScript environments will keep a professional look and give users using unsupported environments a way to have access to your service and any necessary information.
2. Detect unsupported environments and add a banner for these environments instructing what browsers are supported and what to do. Even better, instead of detecting unsupported environments which are going to require JS, show a support banner by default and hide it when an allowed browser version is detected. Preventing showing while loading may require some techniques, and even using CSS quirks to hide on specific browser versions may be a solution.
3. Add polyfills. Check a library such as Babel.
4. Add conditional usage. For example, using and if conditional to detect for a class on the window object. This may be a bit time-consuming for more advanced sites, so as an alternative, try-catch blocks could be used.

How to drop IE support gracefully:


Google Search ends support for IE11:
A Business Case for Dropping Internet Explorer:
Information on the why, who, and how of the death of ie11. Also has a countdown to the end of service(less than 2 months at the time of writing):
Internet Explorer support for Japanese services (In Japanese):

IE support by Windows and important services in 2022

IE support by Windows and important services

This post describes the current (2022 May) support status of IE (Internet Explorer) for Windows, and other important services.

“The Internet Explorer (IE) 11 desktop application will end support for Windows 10 semi-annual channel starting June 15, 2022.”
Regarding Microsoft Edge with IE mode: “IE mode enables backward compatibility and will be supported through at least 2029”

Edge is installed by default from Windows 10, and IE is not even available in Windows 11.
Older versions of Windows can install Edge, and this differs on whether installing the newer Chromium builds or the older non-Chromium Edge builds.
Further information can be found here:

It looks like, as of some time at the end of 2020, IE has stopped working for many popular websites.
I can only assume that requires that Edge is installed so that would mean this wouldn’t be an issue on older versions of Windows (Windows 8 and less if Edge is not installed.), but I do not have an older version of Windows to check with.
“Microsoft will forcibly open some websites in Edge instead of Internet Explorer”:
The article shares a list of websites that require Edge:
I am not sure if this is the latest list or if it gets updated, so please look into it further if required.
Trying to load which is on the list, in IE11 on Windows 10 automatically loaded in Edge for me, so the above seems to be accurate.
Due to the above, it is actually very difficult to test for IE11 support because if you have Edge installed, most sites will redirect to Edge.

Looking at western sites from Alexa( and other ranking services, and ignoring any likely duplicates, I checked the following popular websites for IE support where clear info is provided:
From a post on Twitter on 2nd October 2021, it can be assumed that support for IE11 ended around the same time as the post for Google Search.
“YouTube no longer supports Internet Explorer.”:
“Starting in March, YouTube will cease their support of Microsoft’s Internet Explorer web browser.” posted on Feb 27, 2020, so I assume this means YouTube ended support during March 2020:
Twitter does not support IE, and it looks like unsupported user agents are blocked:
Yahoo seems to have been unsupported for a while, with many reporting an unsupported message: “You’re seeing Basic Mail because you’re using an unsupported Internet browser. Upgrade your browser for the full Yahoo experience.”
This does not mean it does not work at all.
A Japanese blog entry states that IE11 is not recommended for “Yahoo! JAPAN” starting from 7th September 2021:
Internet Explorer support ended by Amazon:
E-commerce sites such as Amazon choosing to miss out on potential sales by removing support for IE shows just how dead IE is.
GitHub does not support IE:
From this Tweet, it can be seen that GitHub stopped supporting Internet Explorer in July 2018:
Although IE does not seem to be a supported browser:
It does appear for the Silverlight plug-in here:
At the time of writing this article, support seems to exist for IE11 to IE7 for Silverlight 5.

QR Code generator version: 1.0.0 Released

QR Code generator version 1.0.0 released.


  • QR Code generation.
  • Specify background and foreground square colours.
  • Share current QR Code control URL.
  • Share current QR Code URL.
  • Download QR Code as image.
  • Use in iframe.

QR Code Generation from URL

This web application offers QR Code generation from URL input, similar to many other QR Code services.
Simply add the QR Code and click the update button to generate the QR Code.
QR Code state is kept in the URL query parameters, so it is easy to share access to the current QR Code being created.


An important feature of this QR Code generator is the ability to change the colour of the QR Codes.
Both the black squares and white background can be changed to any colour of your choosing.
Sizing is currently not supported. Images are generated as PNG. These can be improved upon if enough requests are received.


Download generated images by right-click, drag & drop, or any other browser image saving method.


The main reason for the creation of this QR Code generator is the ability to link with other applications.
In addition to storing the state of the QR Code being created in the URL, it is also possible to output only the QR code and share this by URL.
This provides the ability to embed QR codes in other web pages using IFrames.

<iframe src="" style="width: 155px;"></iframe>

The service can be found at the URL below:

Please feel free to send your requests for improvements at

Data converter version: 1.0.3-beta released

Data converter version 1.0.3-beta released:


File upload bugs and additions have been made, including the ability to display common files such as images in outputs.

JSDoc conversions have been improved to work better on objects.

Multiple File & Zip Downloads

Downloading multiple files is now possible from the output node.
This includes downloading multiple individual files and downloading a single ZIP file with multiple files inside.

Added Conversions

Many new conversions have been added including URL and CSS encoding and decoding, EML/JSON E-mail, FormData and query strings, colour (HSL, RGB, HWB, VGA, etc.), Morse code and Roman numerals.

Added Inputters

Inputting data using JSON strings, Objects, and arrays is now possible.
The JSON string and Object inputters are especially useful due to using an embedded code editor.

Mime Type Auto Guessing

Mime types are now inferred from files, allowing for better auto-suggesting of conversions.


  • Multiple file download
  • Zip file download
  • Mime Type auto guessing
  • URL and CSS encode/decode conversions
  • Email EML and JSON conversions
  • Improved JSDoc conversions
  • Object to HTML and Vue component conversions
  • FormData and Query String conversions
  • Colour conversions: HSL, RGB, HWB, VGA, HTML Colours.
  • Other functions: Morse Code, Roman numerals, …
  • Additional inputters: JSON and Object editors, Array.