Tax-calculator version: 1.0.0-alpha Released

Tax Calculator alpha release

Tax Calculator has been released under the initial α(alpha) version.


This application aims to provide taxation and related calculation services in an efficient and fair way.
Similar applications have tended to focus on being protective and so difficult to import/export from/to and link with.
This has been an issue for The Open Web business due to the policy of open linking being at the centre of our business policies.
Similar applications being expensive compared to applications of different categories is to be expected due to the legal implications and expertise required for such services.
However, unchanging, user-contributed areas should tend to be free and open.
This is something this application aims to achieve.
Under the alpha version, released features have been limited, but this will be gradually expanded on.
Any feedback will be much appreciated, and will help improve this application.



Mainly fixed values such as rates and prices.
Examples include tax rates, fixed tax amounts, etc.
These are generally easy to add. Please feel free to contact to contribute or request additional constants.

Pure Calculations

Calculations that include no state.
State (stored data) is under development, and is scheduled to be added once better tested.
These calculations generally take 1 or more inputs, but may take zero in certain cases.
Inputs may use any native HTML input or custom-made input types.
Currently, inputs are generally text and number types, with some text types expecting numbers only.
On calculation execution, the result will be shown. Sometimes errors will be shown.
Errors at this stage may be due to bugs. However, errors in general may happen where inputs or results are out of bounds, etc.
Improvements will be made gradually, prioritizing easy-to-fix and popular areas.

Alpha Release Notes

This initial version is currently under development and so may have bugs.
It is being released in alpha stage until major bugs have been fixed.
Due to being in relatively early development stages and using automation,
some information/calculations currently use programmatic and unclear terms.
These will be gradually improved over time. If there are any that you want to be prioritized, please feel free to get in contact.
Please feel free to contact about any improvements and feature additions wanted.


Data converter version: 1.0.0-beta released

Data converter version 1.0.0-beta released:

Share conversions by URL

When conversions are made, the URL is automatically updated to represent the latest conversion.
URLs can then be copied and shared OR bookmarked for later use.
※ Values are currently not included in conversions, but may be added in the future.

Improved input formatters

The following input formatters have been added:

  • Photo: Take a photo from your web camera.
  • Microphone: Obtain audio from your microphone.
  • Mediastream: Obtains a stream using the best available method.
  • Camera: Obtain video from your web camera.
  • date: Date input in format YYYY-MM-DD.
  • textarea: Multi-line text input.
  • HTMLCanvasElement: Now with free drawing brush.
  • eval and variable: Currently being test-implemented. Changes may be made to these in the future.

Proper file conversions

File input conversions using File input formatter and types with mime types have been implemented.
For example, image/jpeg input can be used for inputting images.
More will be added in the future.
Outputting files can be done by setting the output node types field to File.

Better outputs

  • Conversions to Elements can now be displayed directly in output nodes.
  • The last display output is outputted in the output node at the top.
  • More accurate mime type and extensions for file outputs.
  • Last output is stored in variable for usage in variable and eval input formatters.

Multilingual support

  • Currently, English and Japanese support has been added.
  • Translations are currently for the UI only, not for actual conversion names, etc.
  • If you want to request or help with a translation, please contact us:

Added conversions

Some examples of added conversions:

  • date ⇒ various date formats
  • HTMLCanvasElement ⇒ image
  • MediaStreamHTMLVideoElement
  • Fixes to measurement units to allow all permutations (lengths, areas, volumes, etc.)


  • Querying in format ?q=[WORD1] [...] [WORDN] [FROM]>[TO]
  • GET parameters for sharing and reusing.
  • Improved UI
  • Error and bug fixes
  • Improved input formatters
  • Removed impossible inputs
  • Allowed for proper file input and output
  • Allowed for Element output display
  • Added conversions
  • Multilingual support (Japanese)

The Open Web language and region policy


The Open Web is focused around services related to Japan and the UK.
Due to this, the main languages used are and will continue to be English and Japanese.
From hereon, announcements will mainly be done in both English and Japanese at appropriate times for audiences of those languages and related regions.
British English will be prioritized. However, in certain circumstances regional English may be used where appropriate OR American English may be used where common(for example, programming related topics.).
Services will also be provided in both Japanese and English. If a whole or part of a language is not available, please feel free to request it be provided.


Other languages may be provided for services and important help. For other less important areas, translations will generally not be provided, excluding any user-created translations.
The ability to share user-created translations will be prioritized and allowed generally for any language as long as a reliable quality check system can be prepared.
If you have any questions or want to help with translations, please feel free to enquire.


Due to the location of The Open Web business, services will often focus on the Kansai region, Osaka prefecture, Sakai city areas.
Services related to the UK are also a priority, and any services that deal with both Japan and the UK will be further prioritized.
Areas outside of Japan and the UK are to be treated as low priority at least for the time being. However, expansion of existing products into other regions especially where profitable would be happily considered.

Data Converter Initial α Version Conversions

Data Converter has been released with many simple initial conversions.
Many more, especially, complex functions will be added in future versions.
At this point, I would like to introduce the kinds of conversions already added.

DOM Element conversions

DOM Elements are HTML elements used in HTML web pages.

Casting conversions

Casting is converting from one type to another.
For example, text is known as the “string” type.
Casting conversions can generally be done by using “Format” to choose the input format.
Cast conversions without using “Format” will generally be supported in the future.
Common cast conversions include: Date ⇒ String, String ⇒ Number, Boolean ⇒ String, etc.

Japanese conversions

Different types of text and language conversions will be added over time, but for now some important Japanese conversions have been provided.
Japanese number to number conversions are possible. For example, 十三 ⇒ 13.
Japanese to Braille conversions are also possible. For example, こんにちは ⇒ “⠪⠴⠇⠗⠥”.

Measurement unit conversions

Many unit conversions have been provided.
This includes common SI units and other commonly used measurement units.
Units generally use their displayed unit name. For example, grams to kilograms can be done by converting from “g” to “kg”.

Shell conversions

Command line shell display conversions are provided to easily convert between shell input/outputs and commonly used input/outputs elsewhere.
For example, multi-line and single-line conversions, and “$ command” to actual inputtable commands.

A large number of additions to the above conversion types, and completely new conversion types, will be added in future versions.

Please try it out at the link below.

Home-page version: 1.0.3 Released

Home-page version: 1.0.3 Released

# Features

  • Additional websites
  • Name fixes
  • Go to active website homepage functionality


# Changelog

## [1.0.3] – 2021-04-21
### Added
  • Additional websites (Additional important global websites)
  • ALT + Enter: Opens active website homepage.
  • ALT + click on website icon: Opens website homepage.
### Changed
  • Clicking active website icon changed from opening search page to opening homepage.
  • Website names improved.

Introducing Data Converter

Data Converter is a web application for converting from one format to another.
It is currently in α(alpha) stage which means there are occasional issues and functionality is prioritized over UI/UX.
The goal of this project is to provide a mechanism for easily converting from one format to another, without the difficulty of searching for the correct type or, converting multiple times to get to the desired format.

Features of this project(some in progress):

  • Utilizes client(in browser) conversions where appropriate.
  • File and user input conversions.
  • Node functionality for complex multi-step conversions.
  • Large number of varying conversions.
  • Output history for easy copying of multiple calculation results.
  • API linking.

Similar competitor services do exist, but they often only provide slow server-side only conversions and are limited to a few conversions of file formats.
This project converts arbitrary data so in addition to file conversions, can also convert from user input or even in page elements.

Additional functionality and fixes will be provided in future versions.

Please try it out at the link below.

If you have any feedback please feel free to get in contact.

Data converter version: 1.0.0-alpha released

Data Converter version 1.0.0-alpha Released

# Features

Data converter released in alpha version.
Features many conversions, input and output formats.
※ Due to alpha stage, bugs may be encountered.
Data Converter

# Changelog

## [1.0.0-alpha] – 2021-01-24

### Added

– Convert between different formats.
– Load text, file, other
– Output or download